Bread Genetics’ one of a kind, custom premium cannabis genetics, along with our cultivation expertise and leading branding and marketing, makes for an amazing return on investment in both mature and emerging markets, all while building a name brand that can be used for licensing purposes. The average wholesale price for premium cannabis in newer emerging markets is $4000.00 / lb, with an average production of 100 to 200 lbs per month. For one custom genetic strain with one breeding round at a cost of $175,000, with an average licensing fee of 20%, only 218.75 lbs would need to be sold to break even. Everything else is profit.
If you want Bread Genetics to handle and run setting up cultivars on your behalf utilizing your custom genetic strains, there will be a $150,000 cultivation fee on top of the genetic creation tier and the licensing fee will be split with Bread for setting up and running the account. For one custom genetic strain with one breeding round at a cost of $175,000, and one cultivar set up fee of $150,000, and an average licensing fee of 20%, only 812.5 lbs would need to be sold to break even. Both of these scenarios are based on pounds sold. Net profitability can be exponential with expansion to multiple cultivars across the U.S.